God has blessed us with many gifted musicians at Grace! You can participate in these opportunities:
Youth Choir meets Wednesdays from 5:00-5:15 pm
Adult Choir meets Wednesdays from 7:00-8:00 pm
Instrumental Band
(practice times are organized as needed).
Solos/small ensembles (vocal and instrumental)
Youth Chime Choir meets Sundays from 10:30-10:45 am
Contact Barb Bedlan for more information.
We believe that God wants us to use the talents and gifts He has given us in our church and community. Here are some ways that you can use yours!
We are blessed to have many kids in our Sunday school program. Sunday school meets at 9:45 am every Sunday. We always welcome new teachers and anyone interested in helping in other ways downstairs. Contact Krystal Schroeder or Leslie Drees for more information or to sign up.
LWML (Lutheran Women's Missionary League) meets every first Tuesday at 1:30 pm for a Bible study and conversation about mission projects. Any ladies are welcome to join. Contact Arlene Luebbe for more information or to get involved.
Ladies Aid meets every third Thursday at 1:30 pm for a Bible study and conversation about church service projects. Any woman interested is welcome to join. Contact Maralyn Ostgren for more information or to get involved.
GMAT (Grace Ministry Action Team) meets quarterly to discuss and implement fellowship opportunities for our church. Contact Tammie Duensing or Jan Klaus for more information or to get involved.