Our Jr and Sr High School youth are very involved at Grace! Besides weekly Sunday School (9:45-10:45) and church participation, they are involved in many projects, such as sponsoring food and toy drives, fundraising for national LCMS convention, hosting hay rack rides and lock-ins, Trunk-or-Treat, and babysitting for monthly Parent’s Night Out events.
Come and join our Jr high group as we navigate the tricky waters of 6th-8th grades.
We meet every Sunday morning for Bible study at 9:45. We are currently using the "So What?" curriculum to discover what God has in store for us and how we might get to know Him better.
We also offer Confirmation classes to prepare for our public confession of faith known as the Rite of Confirmation.
In addition to our weekly Bible studies and classes, we love to get together to just hang out and fellowship together. We are trying to get dates lined up for monthly excursions and outings as well as mission trips and service opportunities.
Sometimes figuring out God's plan for our lives is difficult and we are here to help each figure that all out.
The TruthSeekers theme verse is John 8:31b-32.
It's almost time...freedom from parental control, the shackles of adolescence, the weight of school, friends, work, responsibility. These are tumultuous times to be a high school student. Join us as we prepare to step out into the big world beyond our parent's home. You are invited to be a part of our high school group as we shed some light on what it means to be a beloved child of God in an ever-increasingly godless culture.
This Fall we'll be discussing World Religions: Do all religions lead to God?