Here is where you'll find the Youth events scheduled for the next two months. If an event requires a Signup, you can find those downstairs on the table near the bulletin boards. More detailed info will be found on flyers there as well.
God Squad (GS) is for students in 3rd-5th grades.
TruthSeekers (TS) is for students in 6th-8th grades.
illumin8 (i8) are high school students, 9th-12th grades.
Jefferson County Fairgrounds
We have another fundraising opportunity!
We have been asked to help set up for a garage sale at the Fairgrounds.
Meet us at the 4H Building at...
Jefferson County Fairgrounds
Roca Berry Farm
Calling all members of TruthSeekers and illumin8...join us for a fun night at Roca Scary Farm! Tickets are rather pricey at $29.95, but if w...
Roca Berry Farm
Grace Lutheran
Inviting all God Squad and TruthSeeker members to join us for a hayride around town.
Meet up at the church for a meal at 5:30 and we'll wind ...
Grace Lutheran
The Seter's house
All 3 Youth Groups are invited to the Seter's house for some pumpkin carving and fellowship. Come by from 7-9pm and bring a pumpkin and a ca...
The Seter's house
Fellowship Hall
We invite all current 5th through 12th graders and their parents to come to this informational meeting regarding the Mission Trip next July.
Fellowship Hall